If you have been checking this website, you might think your union has been taking it easy, having negotiated a two year contract with over 4% raise . . . and you would be wrong!
We have been busy, busy, busy making changes to better serve you!
Here’s what we’ve been up to (the short version):
- Union leadership has been dissatisfied with the increasing cost of NSEA/NEA dues and the decreasing level of service.
- So we researched how to provide better service for our members at a lower cost to all of us.
- We’ve decided to reorganize as an independent you, run our own show, as they say!
- This totally local union will be able to increase services to members and decrease your dues – by 40%!
- Dues will drop from $680 (of which only $40 came to our local union, btw) to $480 for a year!
- That’s $40/month, for these services and many more:
- Retaining our own attorney for negotiations
- Retaining our own attorney to file and pursue grievances
- Retaining our own attorney to assist with union administrative matters
- You can check out the other benefits in the flyer link on this website
If you like the sound of these changes – or even if you just have questions – here’s what to do next:
- Talk to any union officer or campus representative to transition to MCCEU (or complete the membership form available on the website and submit as instructed)
- Check this website and your emails for updates on our progress
- Attend our campus and Zoom meetings, coming up the week of April 15
United we bargain. Divided we beg.
Join Metropolitan Community College Educators Union today!
Long time, no news!